Crypto & Vapes
What are Bitcoins?
Why Bitcoin and cryptocurrency for Vape products?
eCig Store Uk is thinking of giving our customers more flexibility with payment methods and have therefore introduced paying with Bitcoin and other Altcoins. Customers can purchase vape goods anywhere in the world using the cryptocurrency, and will rest assured that it is safe and secure.
There are many benefits of using Bitcoin to make payments online for items such as vape devices. One being that your Bitcoin account wouldn’t be tied to any third party institution, can’t be frozen and has much lower transaction fees than credit cards.
Coinbase, the service e Cig Store Uk is thinking of using in our online store, it presents far less of the obstructions that the established payment providers pose, which in turn enables smaller retailers to tailor pricing at the affordable end of the spectrum. Lower payment fees, mean lower prices, which means ecig store uk can offer low price e-cigs and low prices on ejuices. From starter ecig kits to mechanical mods, we aim to be the go-to brand in the electronic cigarette market; we are confident embracing new technology such as cryptocurrency and allowing our customers to pay for vapes or ecigs with crypto.